Monday, November 24, 2008

Takes a lickin, keeps on kickin

Got Shermin back. He doesn't look like this no' mo. Good as new for the most part. Though, the speakers that were in and out of death before the incident are now completely deceased. If that's the only casualty that I have to pay for in an accident that resulted in four grand worth of damages I guess I should be happy. And I was very happy to see my Bugger when I got home. Totally hugged my car. Fingers crossed that I can get him inspected before the police have the chance to see that it's December and I was supposed to have it inspected in November. Kind of hard to have your car inspected for the month of November when it's gone from the last week of October until now, though. I don't think the authorities will give a flying squirrel about that! Wish me luck! My bank account cannot carry a ticket!

1 comment:

e. Styles said...

i want "flying squirrel" to be used that way in conversation all the time!