Thursday, February 12, 2009

Keep the money!

Gizmo and I need to straighten up and fly right. Lingering between sickness and health (me) and not scratching and then biting again (Gizmo) has got to stop! We can't go on this way! But, it should be mentioned, Gizmo looks a lot cuter in his funnel than I do when I'm feeling under the weather. Though, when I lose my voice, I can do the Carrie Bradshaw scream. Who doesn't love that?


Jamie said...

"Gizmo looks a lot cuter in his funnel than I do when I'm feeling under the weather."

this sentences is a lot funnier if you stop reading after the word "do".

and i still cant get over how cute he looks in that. he rocks the funnel.

jenell o' boogie said...

I'd try on the funnel if I wasn't scared of being unable to get it off again! How embarrassing!