Thursday, November 1, 2007

you're on my radar

Halloween 2007 by all technical terms has passed, but it won't be the last time I bust out the track marks and false tattoos. Another festive occasion coming up this weekend! As for the last two, they were pretty good. The second one was a bit better than the first. Not only did we not get lost trying to get there (since it was in Millville) but there was a foul-mouthed priest, Chase from House, Harry Potter in drag, an undercover detective posing as a writer and even Buffy showed up! The only bad thing was that Paris Hilton came and I had to pretend I liked her and let her order my meal for me. Moreover, it was a pretty rare show featuring a special performance of "Better Like Butter"; I mean, what Buffy wants, Buffy gets. If you'd seen the stake she had...

1 comment:

Lisa said...

buffy is not one to mess with, plus i heard she had a huge sword in her car just in case.