So there you go. That's a terrorist threat and assault. That shit don't fly. Especially not in this day and age. And she not only said she was going to kill all of us, but she told Katy she knew where she parked and all this mess. So, then the cops were called and like every corporate person in Aero. Katy wanted to go home, but the other manager was out of state and a lot of people weren't being that helpful in general. The cops that came were absolute idiots. When they first arrived, one of them came over to me and in a cute little voice asked if I was the one that was causing all the problems. I humored him, which was probably a mistake. Because then he smartly asked me, "There isn't a height requirement at Aeropostale?" Rude. I wanted to ask him if there wasn't a hair requirement to be a policeman as he was baldly quite a bit, but I didn't need any fine for insulting a policeman. That being said, you can clearly see they did not send the sharpest tools in the shed. Not only were they stupid, but they were liars. They told an Aero corporate person that the ladies were escourted from the mall, but that was a lie. Later on, the ladies were hanging around outside Aero at the picture kiosk. I saw them. Katy saw them. We all saw them. And the police had told Katy that they got their names and that was it. I don't understand policeman.
Long story shorter, Aero closed early today. We put up a sign that said we closed due to computer malfunction, but that's not the truth! I was supposed to work 11 to 4 (or 6 - stupid on-calls), but I worked 11 to 3:30 instead. We actually closed about 2:30 and spent about an hour just cleaning up around the store. Apparently the big wigs at Aero kept calling after we closed to apologize and to inform us that they're going to send armed security to watch the store for the next week or something. Pretty crazy. But you never know. You don't know who is actually going to come back and kill people. And you don't really want to wait and find out. I mean, flip, I don't want to die at Aeropostale. How lame.