Wednesday, June 11, 2008

And he smelled like cookies

So, I had things I wanted to blog about. Like my summer cold, missing Hello Tokyo in Philly last night, and yummy ice cream, but what happened to me today about takes the cake (or the ice cream) and it must be blogged about immediately! So, today at work it was pretty hectic. There was a family emergency with the store manager's son and she was going around trying to find coverage for her and the visiting assistant manager from North Jersey stayed like 3 hours longer so that another visiting manager could come in. Be that as it may, at points it was just me and the assistant manager. It started to get a bit busy and things were getting a bit messy in the store. During a down moment, I was cleaning up the cami table which was in completely disarray. Meanwhile, this man, who had been in and out of the store all afternoon with his daughter, asks if his daughter can use the changing room. I let her in and come back to my work and he starts to talk to me. Starts off by asking if my hair color is natural. It's a pretty casual conversation mostly about his (probably) 12 yr old daughter and how he doesn't want her to dye her hair and the like. I figured he was just bored, but I did think it was a little suspicious that he persisted on talking to me. Even more so when he asked me if I worked weekends. And even to the point of asking me how old I was. And, to add to the creep factor, he's surprised at my age and says he would have thought I was 18. Which would have been fine. Everyone says that. So, I leave to ring other costumers up and whatever and he comes over and asks to use a pen. When the customers leave, he slides me that cute little number pictured above. Tells me that I can email him and let him know when all the good sales are. I tell him I can just add him in the system and they'll email him with coupons and all the deals and he says that I can do that when I ring them up, but that that's for me. And I was just like, "oh, thanks.." in complete shock. Then he asks me if I have a boyfriend and I said that I did and he asked me how long we'd been together and I said, "long enough" and he said that you never know with those things, etc, etc. Despite the fact that this man was more than likely old enough to be my father, balding, and had once been married for 11 years (I know, because he told me!), he was hitting on someone that was barely his daughter's height while his daughter was shopping! What kind of father does that?! He was going on and on about how his daughter comes first and when his wife got a boyfriend he made sure that everyone knew he wasn't going anywhere and all this bullshit. I mean, that's just creepy. That's beyond creepy. That poor girl must have been so embarrassed! I mean, I was trying to help her find shorts and hoodies and her dad is trying to get a date! Unbelievable. I still can't believe that dude. Yuck.

And don't forget, he thought I was 18 before I told him my age. bkaoiajdofiasjd

1 comment:

Jamie said...

so did you post the email so we could all email him telling him to learn some p&q's of shopping with a 12 year old? ;)