Wednesday, June 11, 2008

this happened tuesday. read about it today.

Like the black 'n' white cookie, my ice cream represents world peace. If you don't watch Seinfeld, you might not understand that reference or understand what I'm saying. And if that's the case, that's sad. I hope one day you can understand that reference. Anyway, am I the only one that buys a coke with everything?
I don't know what Jamie's ice cream represents. I guess it represents how modern the Custard Corral is getting. It has orange swirl custard AND pretzel cones. It's not just some hokey ice cream stand with goats. It also has rides and wet benches. Best recognize!
Whatever our respective ice creams represented, they were delicious and were just what my ailing throat needed. Yesterday, I spent most of my day hardly able to speak. Today my throat doesn't burn and I can speak! Was it my immune system that healed me or perhaps it was ice cream!? EH? EH?

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