Sunday, December 16, 2007

oh well you know it's a fool who plays it cool

Been slacking on this blog thing, but with good reason; a CD release party was had! Finally, after months of stress and toil, the CD is finally done and pressed and in the merry hands of others. If you weren't able to make it out to the party, which is a huge bummer, I'm posting a little video from said party. As you can see, the follow-up album to Localized Phenomenon will no doubt be a big departure from our original stuff. We're always trying out new styles. Seriously. Come to any practice*. We run through just about all of them when there's time. Next time; Math Rock.

thanks Lisa! You're the bestest! You're so the best filmographer we've ever had! And I'm not just saying that because you're the only filmographer we've ever had...

* - don't literally come. I will call the cops.

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