Tuesday, April 29, 2008

you know what our killer is? wolves.

For the past few days I've been pretty down and out because of an excruciating canker sore that grew from three little sores into one big massive beast. Drinking, eating, and talking are very difficult tasks. Even breathing through my mouth can hurt. Just constant pain that I can only describe as someone sawing through your lip with a serrated knife. I've never experienced this, but I think this is how it would feel probably. Though oddly enough, I fantasize about cutting my lip off a lot lately. Anyway, by the time this heals, I'm either never going to be able to drink green tea again or I am going to actually turn green. I've had like 800 cups. And I don't mean to sound complainy or anything. I just don't really have anything else to update about because it's the only thing I've been "doing". Just getting up late (though sporadically waking up through the night because of pain) and going to bed early (3am is really early for me) and aching. Be that as it may, today it was finally pretty outside and Gizmo and I enjoyed looking at it. Whenever I look out, he comes over and tries to jump/claw up to see too but is too small, so I lift him up. It's really cute. I tried to capture it as best as I could. Though it's a little bit scary when he sees my mom pull in the drive way and he tries to jump out the window. Many thanks to whoever invented window screens.

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