Thursday, October 23, 2008

this is why I'm having a bad week

Yesterday, I had a crappy day at work and came home and pretty much hibernated in my bedroom all evening. I was happy that day was over when it ended. Then when I woke up this morning feeling extremely groggy and dreading work. Well, lucky me, I didn't wind up getting to work until noon because an accident occurred outside my house and my car, Shermin, was taken into the fray. I was practically on my way out when I heard the horrible sound of cars colliding. This isn't a foreign sound. I live on a highway and despite it being a residential area with a speed limit of 35mph, people drive down the road like bats out of hell and frequently there is accidents. And it's common place if you live in my house to have that moment of terror when you think someone has hit your car. So, I looked out my bedroom window, but I couldn't see my car from my angle, but I saw a car up the road a bit and figured the accident occurred too far up to have involved my car. I was wrong. My car had been pushed from right next to my driveway down in front of my neighbor's driveway; I can't estimate how many feet that is. I'd guess 20? I don't know. So, to make a long story short, Shermin is at the body shop and hopefully the damage can be repaired. But it sucks. While the other peoples' insurance companies battle out who is at fault, we're going to be stuck paying the deductible just for living on a shitty street. Financially we've seen better days. Things just keep gettin better and better! And in the words of my manager, "I can't believe it's November next week." - Fucking aye.


Jamie said...

oh my god - this gives this thing a whole new perspective! he's missing a huge chunk of him! SHERMIN YER IN MAH PRAYERS NOW DAWG

papillons et ouragans said...

our cars should be friends, they both have old man names.