Wednesday, July 25, 2007

wait, I'm not from New Zealand

behold, one of the thousands of reasons I could never leave Gizmo behind when I move to NYC. How could I possibly ever live without this sort of heartwarming entertainment? And dammit, he's so talented. I'm the luckiest girl in New Zealand.

[and note: if you found this video to be an example of animal cruelty, I'll have you know I stopped playing once his howls turned to cries and he was promptly fed a delicious doggie treat for singing the blues so beautifully.]


e. Styles said...

i think otis has him beat in the singing department.

jenell o' boogie said...

You know, I don't post things about Gizmo so I can hear about a dog you LEFT in JERSEY! don't even wanna hear yo shizz! this ain't no dog competition!

e. Styles said...

these words hurt.

jenell o' boogie said...

I see you can dish it, but you just can't take it.

e. Styles said...

I guess the truth hurts sometimes...which is why you get all saucy when i say otis sings better.

Jamie said...

eavvon is wrong.
jenell is right.