Tuesday, February 26, 2008

this blog is not going celeb gossip!

Nothing interesting happened to me today, but I felt compelled to update about this lovely piece of celebrity gossip. It's been kicking around the past few days that Benji Madden from Good Charlotte and Paris Hilton have been hooking up and hanging out all over Hollywood & St. Louis. Well, on the 4th day, Panji (?) made an "official" appearance. As official as you can make it in the tabloid world. If celebrities are seen holding hands they're half way to the alter. And considering it's been "reported" that Benji has told pals that Paris is "the one" these two really are. But I wanted to post this because I've been reading some quotes on the topic and they were making me laugh so I had to share! Some of these are gold!


"ekkk…she is such a skank. Must she sleep with everyone in Hollywood."

"probably just ended as I type this"

"A tip to Benji: Don’t date a woman that has larger feet than you, and has had more STD’s than how old you are."

"Promiscuous Paris is all over town, and what-in-God’s- name is Joel thinking ? We all know he’s on the rebound, and if some random sex is what he’s looking to get with 3-minutes Hilton, why didn’t he just go pay hooker?" -- I hope she meant Benji, not Joel...

and my all-time favorite:

"paris hilton is a back with a crack and a pack of meds. benji tell me u aint serious."

Monday, February 25, 2008

one fine day you're gonna want me for your girl

My weekend. Sort of. Nothing *TOO* interesting.
...or was it?!?!

Saw the Foo Fighters at the Spectrum. Possibly the last show I will ever see at the Spectrum. Why? Not because I'm going to be moving anytime soon (hello, I'm unemployed and poor as shit), but because they're possibly tearing it down. If you didn't know that before I or Dave Grohl told you than you really need to get hip to the times! There's possible hotels to be built! Or maybe it's a shopping center. I heard both. Who knows? Not me.

Stayed up real late a lot. Til 8am one morning. I don't know what my deal is. Well, no, I do know what my problem is. My sleep disorders aren't anything new. But I seem to be especially lazy but not tired at night. I'd like to tweak it, but I can't seem to find the motivation to do so. Luckily, Gizmo is up for playing into the wee hours of the morning and then sleeping until whenever I do. He's the best dog ever. How did I live on 2nd st without a dog to keep me company? That place didn't even have TV and I only had like 5 DVDs. I didn't even have the Office to watch! Those were the dark ages! No Gizmo and no Office! I don't want to go back there!!!

Went to the Bus Stop Cafe to check out some friends who play in the band A Few Dollars More. They're bluesy and pretty sah-weet. The lead singer, Wolfman Fran, has the coolest voice so I think I'd probably enjoy most things that he does. I can't believe that voice comes out of him. It's amusing that he stands up there with a piece of paper of lyrics. Very off the cuff stuff. And it was a good night. The people at the Bus Stop are such genuinely good people and they've really put my mind to rest about a few issues. I might be able to attend open mic this week! Maybe Lisa will shows up! That'd make it betta like butta!

Hmm. I guess that's all that's happened this weekend....


The coolest thing happened tonight!! What happened you ask?! J&TY got played on the radio! The REAL radio! Not internet radio! (no insult to internet radio!) Being on the actual radio was real surreal. I mean, how to explain it... I guess the radio felt like a much bigger medium. Completely unattainable. It seems a bit more reachable now. Though I don't want to get ahead of myself here. It's not like we're on syndication and being rocked from coast to coast. It's a radio show FOR local talent and bands, but still, on a legit station. It's not like they just play anybody who sends something in! It's very validating for me. It's like every time we hit a new high, I get a sense of relief. I think to myself, "whew, you're not absolutely crazy for thinking you can do this.." Maybe this will help me sleep better tonight! haha It's a small step in an enormous business, but it feels pret-ty awesome! I didn't run around in jubilation in 32 degree weather, but maybe if we hadn't been in a scary part of Salem I would have! And furthermore, if nothing more ever happens at least I can say I played in a rock band that actually got played on the radio! Weehoo!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

i woked up in NYC with a bunch of anxiety

A lot of fun things have been going on and have I been keeping up and blogging about it? NOPE. It's kind of hard to blog when you're getting home near or after 4am every day. But that doesn't really explain why I've slacked for an entire week. That can only be blamed on my absolute laziness. Shame on me.

I'll give a run down.

Friday: To start the celebration of Jamie's 24th birthday, Lisa, the birthday girl, and I went up to Hoboken to see Vince & Brad of AOM and Kris Roe of the Ataris do an acoustic set at Maxwell's. Cool little place, but Hoboken totally blows. We got there decently early and then spent half an hour looking for parking. Luckily I drove and my car is tiny enough to fit where it did because I don't want to think about how much longer we would have been looking had we been in another car. Asides from that, this was a good night. Lisa got to chill with Kris Roe and check out his SWEET ride and I got to drive in NYC for the first time ever with a very awesome navigator and Jamie got to enjoy all of the above! hahaha

Saturday: Nathan, Jamie, and I went to the West of Chester to continue the birthday celebrations. There was a lot of calls being made, as you can see. I'm not sure why the tactic of calling someone over and over to make them want to come out is still used. It's never worked. It's got a 10 out of 10 fail rate. But the people in my circle still try it. And they're still somewhat shocked when the person turns their cellphone off. I think I'd probably do the same thing, but I think if I didn't come out to someone's birthday I would probably have a better reason than being tired. I would at least say something like, "I can't come. Anthony is too annoying." That was nearly enough reason for me to leave! Despite being sexually harassed and having water poured onto my shoulder, somehow Lisa got all the sympathy for being thin! Life is so unfair. We'll see if I ever help celebrate Jamie's birthday again.

Sunday: On Jamie's ACTUAL birthday I put together a little day for her and took her up to NYC. This included some clever word placement and meeting up with Lisa and then Eavvon and it went off without a hitch. I had been a bit stressed about it, but things worked out pretty good. I was especially stressed whenever the issue of NYC or Eavvon would come up Jamie would say things like, "I had my cold weather trip to NYC this year. I'm done" or "maybe we'll go see Eavvon when it's warmer" and I'd have to just agree knowing that we were going to go up there in a few short weeks! That sucked! BUT I guess it turned out alright. I tried to tell her to dress warm.. I dunno. Anyway, we went and had sushi and then Pinkberry.. and then.. that was really the extent of my grand planning. It's hard to make great plans when it's so cold out. Stupidly, it got seriously so warm after it rained. When we got off the train in Hamilton, it was like humid and nice. I wish it had been like that all day! But it wasn't so bad sitting in the Houlihans in Penn Station and people watching. There's a whole lot of weird people to watch in Penn Station. Cue Bill's comment about NYC.

Monday: I took it pretty easy in honor of the President's! I played a lot of guitar and wrote a new song. The only time I went out was to get some Taco Bell with my mom. I haven't had taco bell in forever. And I still suffer from being spoiled by Matt for so long. I'm always unsure of what it is that I order. He always just knew and would get it for me. But I figured it out. It was pretty good. I know it's a sin to some people that I don't eat Taco Bell more since it's so accessible, but I had my fair share for two years.

Tuesday: Another pretty boring day. Most of my days are pretty boring, honestly. So I could have been blogging, but I was probably playing guitar. Later on I went out with Jamie so she could buy her birthday present from her parents. I haven't heard how that's been working out for her. I know it was a camera but I haven't seen any of it's amazingness yet. I'm sure it won't be long! After we got that, we went to one of my favorite places to eat; Ruby Tuesdays. As a balanced part of a Jenell diet, I made a piece of art out of my leftovers. Is that weird or wonderful?

Wednesday: I went to my second home, the post office and then over to visit Bryan who was JUST opening up his store. Don't get the wrong idea. I didn't get up early. It was about 4. And whoa, it looks crazy different in there. If you haven't been to New Revelations in a while you should go. The walls are painted and things are all moved around! It was weird to walk in there! But I had to go home because there was band practice. We put Jimmy to the test and made him play without his song book and he was doing pret-ty good if I do say so myself! After everyone left, I made some food and watched a lot of TV. And it was actual TV. It wasn't The Office DVDs for once. I think I have an addiction to the Office. I seriously have been watching it everyday for... I don't know how many weeks now. Is their a support group?

And that pretty much brings us up to the present! Tonight Jamie and I are going to go see the Foo Fighters. Seeing the Foo Fighters is kind of amusing for me. I mean, they're awesome live but I'm no where near as huge of a fan as Jamie is and I almost feel like a fraud being there. Be that as it may, I'm sure they won't disappoint. Haven't yet!

and I'm spent.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

you see through, right to the heart of me

Once upon a few days ago (aka last week), it was nice enough outside that I could stand outside without my jacket and find irony in the winter themed window displays. That didn't last too long. February remembered it's a winter month and blasted back in full force with snow, wind, and ice. And though my car looked badass encased in ice and our driveway was hella fun frozen over, this shitty ass weather has put a damper on some of the social activities. No free pancakes. And... and.. oh wait. I don't have any social activities to attend. I'm poor and unemployed. Be that as it may, I've been keeping myself busy during these treacherous days. I guess I haven't been extremely inspired musically lately but I did feel a burst of artistic inspirato.
Beginning of March, my grandmother who is currently staying with my aunt in Texas is going to be coming back to her good ol' home state of NJ and shacking up with her favorite people. My mother and I went over to her house on Sunday to pick up a few things and consider what furniture would be moved into our house. In looking, my mom stumbled upon a box full of photos and the baby books of my mother and her siblings. My grandmother is incredibly organized to an obsessive level and she had every single school photo in each book from birth to 11th grade. When I came upon my mom in her kindergarten photo, I fells in love! What an adorable child! It kind of bugged me out a little because when I look at it, it looks like the imagery I get when I imagine what my own child would look like. Is that weird? Does anyone else imagine what their children will look like? Well, seriously, I felt like I had seen this child a million times in my mind! Kind of surreal. It's my mama! Well, I took it home because I wanted to scan it to keep it then I got inspired to draw it as a gift for my grandmother. A little "welcome to our crazy ass house" gift. I'm a little uncomfortable showing my art. I'm not exactly pleased with the end result. It could be better. But I'm posting it anyway because this gives me an excuse to show this super cute picture of my mom in Kindergarten! I wish my mom had been this organized with our school photos! Then I could post pictures of me in school and we could all laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh...

Monday, February 11, 2008

at some point the daddy can't take a bath with the kids anymore

For a while there, I was kicking ass blog wise. I was blogging up a STORM. And then things got a little stormy and busy over the weekend and I just didn't have the time! I know, that's no excuse really. All my many faithful readers must have been SO bummed. HA!

So, what was missed?

Wednesday: There was karaoke to be sung and college radio stations to bless with our presence. If you happened to be listening to WCUR in West Chester, PA on Wednesday night you might have gotten to hear J&tY on the radio. hollahollaholla!

Thursday: Band practice. We learned a new song together. We didn't get much else done asides from that, but it was a good accomplishment in itself. Later I watched House. I think that's another show I could probably have on DVD that I might watch a lot. Not as often as I watch the Office, but it's hard to top the Office...

Friday: Bryan's new band with Ryan, the Flyswatters, played at the Bridgewater Pub. Note to self: must get a show there. that stage is crazy looking. Second note to self: must get dance lessons.

Saturday: Played show at the Fire!! For more information on that, go to our myspace and check out the blog I wrote about it. It took me two days to write it. As in, when I wrote it last night, myspace ate it so I had to re-write it today. So, yeah, two days. I hope you guys appreciate it!

My stomach is hurts. I ate too many pretzels.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

everything is not as its sold

In other news, the Christmas lights I had on my diamond window (description of its shape, not what it's made of.. unfortunately) behind my computer have passed on. This is a hard blow for me. Those babies were on 24/7 and they were not only helped me to find my lamp without killing my dog when I got home at night, but they also were my trusty night light! They protected me from the darkness that I so fear! Until replaced, it's going to be oddly dark and with this new sleep medication giving me nightmares I just did not need this! They made my room shine like a beacon of holiday merriment from the street below! Oh woe! I miss them already!

Good thing I have a spare string in my closet.
But I'll put them up tomorrow.
One night of darkness in honor of a really awesome string of lights.

and I will wait to find if this will last forever

There was things accomplished today. We're shaking up this old world! Well, we're going to try. I don't know. We'll see. Or maybe you'll hear. I don't know what that means. But it did feel good to get something done that had been overwhelming for me when it came up. But I overcame it and got it done. What felt even better was to go outside without a jacket; just a hoodie. I don't like to imagine that the ice caps are melting and we're killing the world, but I did enjoy this oddly warm day in February. Sorry Mama Earf.

Also, sorry Democratic Party, I didn't vote today either. I toat failed you this time. But like I said to my mom, "Not like my vote made a damn difference last time!" I know that's not the right spirit to have, but I just can't handle the disappointment! I'll vote when it's the biggity big-big important one, though. I just wish the voting booths were in a more accessible place and there wasn't weird people there. Crazy ass Millville.

Be that as it may, I did accomplish something. Thanks to Jamie for addressing the envelopes. Top notch addressing, friend! On that note, if there's any more radio stations or booking places or record labels that would be interested in a press kit, they can contact the struggling members of JeNell & the Yets at jenell_music@yahoo.com. We hope to hear from you soon, Epic Records*!

* - I picked this name out randomly. we don't play favorites! we love all big record labels equally. well, right now. I guess we'll pick a favorite one when they pick us! hollerz!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

i love your depression & i love your double chin

Wendy's is so busted. I have cracked their whole "Frosty" operation wide open! It's just ice cream! Chocolate ice cream! If you go to Denny's and order some chocolate ice cream and let it melt a little bit, you have your own "Frosty"! And who says you can't do this at home too?! And now that I've put this in my blog, everyone is going to start making Frosties at home! Wendy's is completely going to go out of business! I mean, not only are Frosties the ONLY reason that people go to Wendy's, but this ingenious discovery will undoubtedly defame them and thus turn away all possible customers! You can't fool me, Wendy's! I see what's going on! I'm not stupid! You can't get anything by JeNell O'Boogie! Nothin!

Monday, February 4, 2008

there you stand with your LA tan & your NY walk

For those interested, February 1st marked the 1 year anniversary of this little working class "blog". I started it on February 1st because every February 1st I feel like it's time that I pick up and dust myself off and try again. It's my time for renewal. And February is a short month (despite leap year this year). Once we're through all this bullshizz winter bullocks, it's going to nearly be spring and then everything will really be in a state of renewal. I was looking at some photos from last April and I'm pretty excited for spring. I'm pretty excited for a few reasons, but warmer weather would definitely be high on that list.

So, on Friday, Jamie and I weathered the torrential rain and made it safely in our spaceship device (provided by Kanye West - thanx!) and made it to the city where H is non-existent and lamps float down the streets. A place where it takes a good 30 to 40 mins to make a fluffanutter sandwich. A place where odd LA girls throw their coats to the floor and rock shows are played in old funeral homes. Yes, I'm talking about Washington, DC! Of course! It was the perfect location to get some last minute birthday wishes, say hello to some old friends, and get lots and lots of much needed hugs.

And then Saturday we yet again our ears were pleasurably assaulted with delightful melodies. This time in Millville and by the new, awesome guitarist from JeNell & the Yets! He played a lot of hits. Just ask this guy, Elton, that stopped by. Don't confuse him with Elton John, though. Apparently there's a lot of confusion with that. And if you'd seen the guy, you'd totally see why. I could be being sarcastic here. Be that as it may, Jimmy was splendid and if you haven't seen/heard him, what have you been doing with your life? You may get the chance in the future so don't give up hope or life over it. But hey, why weren't you guys there? You absolute losers.

ps. fuck you, karen