Wednesday, December 9, 2009

They're no match for me

I cannot wait until Nicole Atkins comes out with her next album. Her first album, Neptune City, has been in heavy rotation in my CD player since I got it. I can't believe it still plays. She's such a huge inspiration to me in every way. Despite the fact that going to her show caused me a great deal of internal pain and resulted in me pulling an all-nighter, it was totally worth it and I wouldn't have missed it if I could help it. Really made me miss playing out and singing live and all of that jazz. Really made me kind of hate animation. haha Nicole Atkins music is so good it makes me hate art! And man, she's got this violinist now and she really added to the sound. So cool. Such a sweet band. And the bass player totally resembled Christian Bale. Bonus! Can't wait til she comes back! Hopefully next time she won't on such a terrible date for me. haha

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