Tuesday, June 12, 2007

billy is a nuisance

Well, I'm a slacker, basically, but when I went to update last night, I had no internet connection. Then this evening I lost connection AGAIN but since I had no more work to type and it was only 10pm, I decided to call the "internet Gods" and try to fix the problem (despite the fact that my mom called today already). So, after an hour on the phone and much frustration, it's fixed, for now. But over the weekend, Eavvon moved away in order to steal my friends, Matt and I got iHopped and today Jamie and I were trapped in a destructive waterfall from the sky! And Eavvon, if you steal my friends, I eat your pancakes; that's just the rules of rap!


e. Styles said...

maybe ill go get pancakes with my new friends!

jay-z has done wonders for your threats tho, good form!

Jamie said...

whoa seeing blake hold the pizza boxes from another angle totally threw me off...

it's amazing what sitting on opposite sides of room will do to you! PAH!

e. Styles said...

Jamie-I like you! You did a good job avoiding the tension that is "the retraction of my pancakes"...Since you already gots a yacht coming your way, is there any other mobile vehicle I could get you?

jenell o' boogie said...

man, I can't believe you ever wanted to give me a yacht. You know, a yacht will not make stealing my friends all better! I'll just have to take my yacht and steal my friends back and sail away!!!!!

I'm going to build a mini iHop on my yacht and they'll be flutes and music you won't be invited!!

e. Styles said...

my moving to ny is killing our team

Jamie said...

eavvon you like me here but later im a bully. you need to write like... a friend description that outlines specific behaviors to be your friend.