Thursday, June 14, 2007

my heart is beating madly for her

Today was a trying day for me. A good day, relatively, but literally painful. This canker sore I've been dealing with for the past few days is a real bitch. It just kills all day and all night. Knowing that I was going to Cinniminson (or Cinnabartown), I was especially distressed to wake up in such an unbarable degree of pain today. So when I was out running errands with my mom, we went and picked up some mouth sore relief. I usually don't bother because it hurts so horrendously to put on and doesn't last long, but I was desperate. And to add insult to injury, the ordeal I dealt with last night with the internet was turned up a notch when we purchased a new router and lost all connection while installing it. I got so frustrated I just freaked out and cried. And of course, when I calmed down and came back, it worked. So, really, what this all comes down to is Murphy and his law. If he'd never come up with that dumb shit everyone's life would be a lot fuckin easier! Damn you Murphy! Damn you and your law!


e. Styles said...

you know my thoughts on murphy...

Jamie said...

respect, dawg! you still did good despite your mouth being a bitch. Sounded FLAWLESS so i applaud you AGAIN.