Thursday, January 7, 2010

It is my birthday.

(first photo of my 26th year)

I am officially 26. But I feel more like 25 going on 19. I must have Peter Pan syndrome. Or Benjamin Button disease. I don't know. Maybe I just don't have a life. Yeah, that's probably it. Being broke and living with your parents definitely stunts your growth. But I see good things on the horizon for this year of my epic life so maybe by this time next year I won't be leading such a pathetic existence! Though, I wouldn't put any money on that if I were you!

And, ahem, I was in Florida this time last year. I spent the day in the Magic Kingdom on this day in 2009 after spending a few days lounging at a sweet pool in the sun! This birthday can't possibly be an upgrade! Boo hoo!


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