Sunday, February 25, 2007

pancake pancake pancake oohh yuumm

Matt: so whatcha doin today?
Me: Eatin pancakes!

And I wasn't kiddin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Despite the controversy surrounding it, International Pancake Day was a HIT. I can't believe so many people wanted to bring down such a joyous occasion! I don't care when pancake days are for other people. This is ours! And we loved it! But don't like Jamie fool you with her blog. I was the one keepin it real with the STRAWBERRY PANCAKE! She had normal ones. I had STRAWBERRY PANCAKE! But they did make me wait for it. OH WELL. At least no one had to die.


note to self: do not blog after taking lunesta.

1 comment:

e. Styles said...

I will never doubt your holiday again. In fact, I'm just envious...stupid po-dunk West Chester, and curse its lack of ihops.