Tuesday, May 19, 2009

One man's trash...

Trash Heart Art

I didn't scan this because the hearts are made out of pieces of colored card stock that I tore up into tiny pieces and glued on. I thought scanning it would diminish the texture of it. but I guess maybe my photography didn't do it much justice either. Ah well. Anyway, I guess I'd have to say this piece was inspired by some former trash heart art I did in the past with a beer label and just a lot of the recent bullshit that's been going on in my life. I'm pretty pleased with how it came out. I've been so uninspired and unmotivated lately. Haven't been able to finish anything. But this just came right together and it felt good to finish something. And to like the result.

1 comment:

e. Styles said...

yr trash art would make biggie proud. From trashy to classy.