Sunday, March 18, 2007

i wasn't gonna vomit because you weren't here

Today was a total bust.
Stupid damn weather!
Go away winter! Enough!

Philadelphia International Airport was basically completely shut down today due to the frozen run ways and so now my mother won't be returning until Monday. Double farts!

I did get work FINALLY. Hallejuah!

Alas, I still used my credit card to pay for dinner. It's a holiday. We didn't drink green beer or do anything even remotely irish, but I think we made the best of a shitty, pointless day.

Be that as it may, many thanks to St. Patrick for helping those snakes get out of Ireland. We all know how hard it can be for snakes to make transportation arrangements considering their lack of opposable thumbs. I'm sure they appreciated the drive.

(this picture was not taken today but was snow related and a great pose by ANTD)

1 comment:

Jamie said...

ANTD! haha LOVES it.

ps thanks for dinner! I never said it and i realized that just now! THANK YOU.