Wednesday, March 21, 2007

you could climb a ladder up to the sun

Today I added another ailment to the list of aches and pains I've been collecting over the past couple of days, but this pain should only last a few days and then I'll be left with only two or three aches and pains. Which made it a perfect day to drive to the "Compressor Mall" and spend mucho dinero and enjoy the delights of "More than Just Swings Sets!"

Later after enjoying a quick bite, I got my music files from Anthony so he'll be out of my life forever now! WHEW! ;)


Jamie said...

at least you're not craving salt like a damned horse.

sigh eavvon is my idol.

e. Styles said...

really? i dont think i deserve your idolization, but ill take it!

i guess its true, women love a man whose puppet is in uniform.

...that sounds dirty, but i swear its innocent.