Sunday, January 20, 2008

if she weighs the same as a duck, she's made of wood

Nothing new on Mouse Watch 2008. Gizmo found a ladybug, but that's about it. And it would figure that after I get a decent trap that the mice have all buggered off. But I guess that's alright with me. As long as there aren't anymore dead mice up here, I'm cool.

In other often blogged about news, J&theY played a show tonight at Photo by Phil in Westville. It's a new place. A venue created out of a photo studio. From the outside, it looks like it'll be kind of a small place. Purely a business front with no indication for the great stage set-up they have inside. When you get back to the stage area, it's quite big. Pretty impressive. I don't know why I didn't take a picture of THAT. There's long couches, a pool table, a huge bathroom with a bench, and awesome thrones! But all that seating and standing room was basically wasted considering that only a handful of people showed up. It's not easy to get people to come out. But the people that do are very encouraging and supportive of what we do. So, if we could just get a few more of those in a lot more cities maybe we could get something cookin'! But that's neither here nor there.

And PFFT to the $7 at the door. We didn't get paid shit and that dude made at least a whole $20! Shenanigans!


Jamie said...

he made 21 dollars off our guests and 3 dollars off of jimmy and mine's soda!!! thats 24 dollars we didn't see ANY of! PAH!

jenell o' boogie said...

if you really want to be accurate, he made 42 dollars off our guests and 3 dollars off of jimmy and your soda and that's $45 we didn't see any of! But, I guess they'd probably have split the money in half so I want my originally estimated $20 payment! haha or.. at least like.. $12 bucks. ($2 per person)