Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Cause I'm the apple and you're the tree

I haven't done many oil paintings. This is my third one. Perhaps I'll post up the other two I did one day. Oil paintings take a long time to do. Lots of waiting around for it to dry. Lots of building up and pre-planning. These are all things that I'm not great at. When I set out to paint this, I had a general idea of what I wanted to do and accomplish, but it definitely developed as it went along. But I'm pretty happy with how it came out. Two things I really love to photograph are the trees and the sky and so it's only natural that it's something I like to paint. Hm. I think that's all I have to say about that. Ciao!


e. Styles said...

there is no way thats a painting?!?!

Jamie said...

check you out with all that talent

e. Styles said...

what chu gone do with all that talent- alll that talent up in them jeans?

jenell o' boogie said...

e-von: actually, i lied. it's a window. somehow that's possible. yup.

jamee: i hope someone will check it out.

im gonnagonna break my seams, break break my seams, break my seams break my jeans

e. Styles said...

you have an awesome window- of like magical realism proportions. If Gabriel Garcia painted that is...

we shall get you new talent jeans, even tho clearly yr talent genes is an extension of that apple joke. IT ALL COMES FULL CIRCLE (of llifeeeeeeeeeeeeee)